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From Darkness into Light: Rocco Forte Hotels' Success with HotelIQ

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Having joined Rocco Forte Hotels as Group Director of Revenue and Distribution in 2022 amid the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, Amy Stevens faced challenges in commercial decision-making due to the lack of visibility and laborious data compilation processes. Without a streamlined system, she and her team struggled to gain insights into basic details like on-the-books production by hotel across the portfolio, leading to time-consuming efforts and data integrity issues. This was an untenable situation, with the decision making process being so stretched out, the team was missing out on opportunities and threats because they were busy manually compiling analysis.

“In an incredibly dynamic and rapidly evolving business environment, I was blind, literally lost. You couldn’t get any idea of what was happening unless you spent a huge amount of time running manual reports and putting them all together”


By implementing HotelIQ Decision Cloud, Rocco Forte Hotels transformed their approach to data-driven decision-making. Amy and her teams now had instant access to accurate and comprehensive information across their portfolio of properties without the need for manual reporting. This newfound efficiency not only saved time but also drove organizational alignment and quickly generated a return on investment.

“The immediate time savings for the team vs. running reports generated massive, massive ROI”

“With everybody using it, you have one system of truth. That allows everyone collectively to see the same thing, be on the same page and move forward together. That is really powerful. Facts are facts.”

“The ability to have that information at your fingertips across multiple disciplines, then brings the conversations that you have about your commercial strategy into a much more productive and proactive place. You free up everyone’s time to focus on the strategy and what are we actually doing about the business rather than simply trying to understand the business.”


HotelIQ's seamless integration empowered Rocco Forte Hotels to foster deeper commercial strategy discussions among various departments. By eliminating manual tasks and data discrepancies, the team could redirect their focus towards strategic initiatives and business growth. The platform's user-friendly interface drove high engagement levels across the organization, including enthusiastic participation from sales and marketing teams and general managers, exceeding initial expectations.

From a property level, it has exceeded my expectations with engagement from a variety of stakeholders. Sales engagement is strong, we’ve also had very high engagement from GM’s, which I was not expecting”

Marketing as well has really been involved. How we do some of our spend and campaigns has been influenced by the data they’re pulling out of HotelIQ”

They have been able to have a much deeper understanding of their business and trends going forward, raise up any red flags much farther out and it has also generated some very good conversations about forecast and budget and what we’re looking at there”



Rocco Forte Hotels' success story with HotelIQ Decision Cloud exemplifies the power of leveraging advanced analytics and data intelligence to improve decision-making processes and unlock new opportunities for growth in the dynamic hospitality landscape.The newfound clarity and insights provided by HotelIQ has enabled the team to identify trends, anticipate challenges, and drive strategic decision-making with confidence.

Interested in learning about what HotelIQ can do for you? Reach out to our team to learn more.
